Dear Sirs,
First of all let me introduce myself to your learned Commission , I am Senarath Devendra a Senior Chartered Accountant ( FCA , FCMA) and a life member of the OPA too.
I have been patiently followed the Developement upto now regarding the SAITM issue and would like to express my views as follows.
To start with Being a Professional myself is fully agreeing that any professional in whatever the field need to be regularised and shall maintain the minimum standard required and stipulated by the monitoring/ controlling body of that profession. In simple words a Medical Doctor must have the practical / clinical exposure as stipulated by the SLMC before registering as a practising doctor in this Country. No argument on this issue.
However when we consider the District Quota system and Z score etc. It is a known truth that many students who get qualified to get into the Medical College after AL will not get that chance due to this Standardisation/ quota system or whatever we call it. As a result a student with lesser qualification will get the opportunity to enter the Medical Faculty from a rural area. Also what about the students who study in International schools? Those who are following local syllabus will fall in to the category of first scenario as explained before but I know majority of students follow London Cambridge / Ed Excell syllabus , once they get through their A L in Bio Stream what are the opportunities they get ? Only to go abroad ? How unfare is this. Today children of many middle class and lower middle class families attend international schools because they simply can not be in the rat race to admit their children to Government Schools. This country started this concept of private schools about almost 35 Year ago but still could not find a method or solution to these children who pass out from so called international / private schools for their higher education. Also kindly Donot forget that majority of these children are from tax payers of this country. So they pay their taxes and teach their children out of their money not seeing a future in higher education other than sending them abroad.
How many parents can afford sending their children to foreign countries, what ever the statistics approx 50 % of this children who goes abroad for studies will ruin their lives . Out of the balance 50% majority after qualifying will not come back, they settle themselves in those countries. Only a minority come back. Imagine the plight of the old parents another social issue for a country ageing populations etc. Some foreign Medical Degree awarding Universities students using Dolls and Gynocology teaching in Muslim CountrIes a nightmare. But hypocrisy in some of our Doctors in the SLMC accept them ( because some are the agents of those Universities)coaching them to sit for the ERPM test.
There fore it is high time that State start a Medical Faculty for those deserving students who got deprived themselves to achieve their doctor dream. Best would be to have another shift to commence on our Existing Universities to work 24 HRs a day like many developed countries. By doing this we can double or treble the intake to our Universities at least Medical Faculties. But this is not justifying SAITM. Even SAITM if adhered to all standards required by the SLMC fine by me . However now it is not relevant now since the Government had abolished SAITM.
Hence Justification of a private Medical college is a must this way we could enhance the salaries of our Academics and when many affluent students in the Government school also may select this option there fore it will create more opportunities for less priviledged students to get in to the Government Medical Faculty. By doing this Country could save millions of valued foreign exchange and also we could retain our products in our country, this will pave way to a knowledge economy. Instead of sending House Maids to earn foreign Currency ( which we should be ashamed of) we could export quality Doctors. ( There is a Myth among some of our Doctors here that by producing more doctors there will be a glut and loss of jobs to Doctors which is a nonsense). In addition to we could cater to students of other countries too and thereby earning forex.
As another suggestion I would like to recommend to have one Final Exam for all Medical Students ( Govt Universities, Private Medical College and all Foreign Graduates) instead of present ERPM or AT 16 or whatever. Monitored by the SLMC and UGC together. This way we could measure the standard of the Under Grads before they qualify to register as a Medical Practitioners.
As another humble request from our learned GMOA members not to sabotage the clinical studies of these Students of Private Medical College since the Hospitals are maintained by the moneys of Tax Payers of this country not some particular group of people’s property or right. Kindly do not object to the fundamental rights of the people of this country.
Finally a word to our leftist Sahodarayas , kindly request our children in Medical Faculties to get back to their studies and clinical training with out wasting their time and wasting tax payers money. This goes to the parents of the medical students too. Kindly request your children to get back to studies with out being cannon fodders of political elements because they were taught by the Tax payers money of this country not their parents.
Should you requir me to appear in front of the Commission to give evidence etc, I am willing to do so . Kindly let me know vide my email address.
Let’s us realise the dream of a developed country within our life span.
Yours sincerely
Senarath Devendra
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