Handing victory to Senadhi Banda, Samarakoon Banda retires! - Vigasapuwath 24x7


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Monday, October 30, 2017

Handing victory to Senadhi Banda, Samarakoon Banda retires!

Handing victory to Senadhi Banda, Samarakoon Banda retires!
After the media carried the video of the assault incident, what the police investigated was not about the assault, but how the media came to possess the video. The police spokesman took all the pains to describe it not as an assault, but only a grabbing by the collar. The police spokesman did not care if that was a question of a person’s dignity. The cabinet took the matter lightly, because Samarakoon Banda was a junior employee. He will have to say goodbye to the police headquarters with only the memory of his 35 year service left with him.
The IGP too, will forget the incident. The investigations will not proceed any further. The IGP with political affiliations will be cleared. In three months’ time, no one will remember if the IGP had done such a thing.
But, no one will take notice of the incident which will remain as an unresolved police crime. The police that committed 10 murders in as many past months, will take their chief as an example and will continue with the killings. Then too, the Sri Lanka Human Rights Commission, National Police Commission and the Constitutional Council will be seen napping.
Samarakoon Banda had to withdraw from the fight against the IGP due to the pressure exerted on him by policemen who visited him at his home. We too, will have to abandon it, as we cannot go on alone. Pujith Senadhi Banda has won for the moment, even if the country gets struck by lightning. 

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