Bomb-attack on Zimbabwe president ...​ while stepping down from stage (video) - Vigasapuwath 24x7

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Thursday, June 28, 2018

Bomb-attack on Zimbabwe president ...​ while stepping down from stage (video)


Bomb-attack on Zimbabwe president ...​
while stepping down from stage (video)

Present acting president of Zimbabwe, Emerson Mnangagwa was in the process of stepping down from stage after a political rally on Saturday when a bomb was thrown at him. He has actually had a narrow escape from this unanticipated attack.

After delivering his speech in Bulawayo, the second biggest town in Zimbabwe and was walking
away when this bomb-blast has taken place within the space of just a few seconds and the public as seen in the video are seen running amok in the smoke filled debris in the immediate environment. 15 persons suffered injuries while the condition of 3 of them are noted to be serious, it was reported.

He is a candidate contesting for the forthcoming presidential elections scheduled to be held on July 30th. The president who addressed BBC said that "I would have been dead just an inch away!" His media spokesman confirmed that Emerson Mnangagwa has not been injured in the blast.

There was a rift in the Zanu-Pf party and subsequently after Mugabe who ruled Zimbabwe for a period of 37 years had to leave his position last November in which instance Mnangagwa came into power. In fact it is after 37 years that a Presidential election was held in the year 2018 after democratic election was last held in the year 1980 for the last time. It is the opinion of critics that more preference in the presidential election is for Emerson Mnangagwa who was the victim in this bomb-attack. The video of this bomb-attack, from below 

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