Right to self-determination of the Tamils is a just cause - UN Meeting in Geneva - Vigasapuwath 24x7


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Saturday, September 23, 2017

Right to self-determination of the Tamils is a just cause - UN Meeting in Geneva

Right to self-determination of the Tamils is a just cause - UN Meeting in Geneva

The title of this briefing was ‘Human Rights in Sri Lanka with a focus on UN HRC resolution 30/1’.

The briefing was chaired by the Founder General Secretary of TCHR, Mr S. V. Kirupaharan. The speakers were – UN Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order, Prof Alfred de Zayas; human rights activist and Director International Programme TCHR UK, Mrs Deirdre McConnell; Campaign Manager – Society for Threatened Peoples, Mr Yves BOWIE, and Geneva Representative of the Global Alliance Mr Holger Postulart.

The speakers focused on the lack of initiative by Sri Lanka on implementation of the resolution 30/1. When speaking, Deirdre McConnell explained the socio-political roots of the pattern of genocide against the Tamils in Sri Lanka; before, during and after the armed conflict - continuing today, through ongoing torture, disappearances and sexual violence. She said land-grabbing and economic exploitation of Tamils continues with impunity. She spoke about the Sri Lankan government’s lack of action, as well as some powerful countries, to find justice for the victims.

Yves BOWIE, Representative for the Society for Threatened People, Switzerland, spoke in detail about his visit to the North and East. He explained the situation in the camps of displaced people, many of whom have been displaced for decades. Also he presented first-hand information about the demonstrations being held by people against their land being occupied by the Sri Lankan Security forces. He also reported on the courageous and determined action of the women protesting the disappearances of their loved ones. Despite the heat and many difficulties, such as harassment the women are continuing to protest.

Mr Kirupaharan in his opening remark said that since 1948 Sri Lanka has been marching towards pre-planned ‘Sinhala Buddhist’ state and tactically buying time internationally. He further said, since the war ended in May 2009, Sri Lanka’s earlier and the present government are purely concentrating on Sinhalisation, militarisation, colonisation and Buddhisation. He said it is clear that if the North and East fully become Sinhala Buddhist provinces, there would be no need for the Sri Lankan government to implement any resolution of the UN Human Rights Council.

United Nations Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International order, Professor Alfred de Zayas, is the first UN appointed dignitary to speak about the situation of the Tamils openly in a meeting taking place within the UN. Prof Alfred de Zayas said that the Tamils’ demand, in exercise of their right to self-determination, is a just cause which lacks international media publicity. As a historian, he told participants that he appreciates the history of the Tamil people and he encouraged the activists to work internationally with states and with international media. Alfred de Zayas gave many examples of how suppressed nations have achieved their right to self-determination and he gave an overview of the present strength globally, on the right to self-determination.

The meeting was well attended by human rights activists, NGO and State representatives and media personal.

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